To have the energy to be motivated, it is necessary that your three fundamentals are in good standing: you get enough sleep, eat the right foods, and exercise regularly.  If these fundamentals are taken care of, the rest falls into line.  However, when one of these is off kilter, the whole system is askew.
Sleep:  we need at least 8 hours.  Less than 2% of the population can live on less than that without impacting their whole system.  We THINK we can get by with less, but we are not hitting on all cylinders when we are not getting enough sleep.  If you sleep only 6 hours, your reactions are the same as having 0.05%blood alcohol level.  We think we are fine, but our reactions are impaired.  It is also good if the room you are sleeping in is cool, with fresh air.
Eat:  A healthy diet with a variety of whole foods.  Protein is important, especially early in the day.  Breakfast is vital to get your day off to a good start.  We all know this is the case, but knowledge and action are different things!  It is time to align  what we know with what we do!
Exercise:  Every day.  30 minutes.  Move your body.  It doesn’t have to be complicated, just get your blood flowing!  Choose to walk when you can.  Choose to take the stairs when you can.  Choose to stand instead of sit when you can.  Small changes over time add up to big changes!
Remember what they say on the airlines, put your own mask on first, then take care of the others.  If you are well taken care of, it is easier to give to others.  Also, others look to you as a role model.  Be sure you model what you want to teach!  Eyes are watching and noticing!
Have a great week!  And stop thinking about these things—-ACTION PAYS OFF!!!