Nothing I do is going to change time. We all have our 1,440 minutes each day to do with what we choose. Time is not going to change for me… (though one time it did change and go freakishly slowly as my car went into a spin on 101 by the San Francisco Airport… but that is another story…). The only thing that can change is ME in relation to time! I need to manage MYSELF better, not my time! So if you, like me, have been trying to manage your time better to get more accomplished in our 1,440 minutes, it is time to REFRAME our perspective. It is time to learn to manage OURSELVES more effectively and time will take care of itself. It is not time management like I thought. It is self-management. Here are my self-management tips for this morning: 1. Sleep, Eat, Exercise! Critical fundamentals! 2. Learn to say NO! (Thank you Audrey Charmont) 3. Eat you frog. (If you don’t know what I am talking about, just reply to this post and I’ll send you the article!) Have a great week!