Did you ever notice that some people are great fun to be around? That those people have lots of energy and when you’re with them, you too have lots of energy? That their energy is contagious? And after you leave those people, you feel great about yourself and about life?

Jim Rohn, a well-known motivational speaker, said that you become the 5 people you hang around the most.

Have you taken the time to look at the five people you hang around the most? Are those the kind of people you want to emulate? Are you looking in the mirror when you look at your friends? Do you like what you see???

Too often you go through life without even thinking about what you’re doing… you just keep rolling along. You’ve friends that became a part of your life due to convenience: your kids played sports together and you hung out on the sidelines together or you were on some committee at school… and you just ended up together… Perhaps you were just sitting next to each other at a meeting… all random chance.

That’s all good and fine if the person is someone who pulls you in the right direction… challenges you to be the best that you can be. Helps you to see all that life has to offer. But those people are rare finds! It’s important to be conscious of the impact other people have on you.

Sometimes your “friends” can hurt your feelings … are these really friends?

That’s why Jim Rohn says we become the 5 people you hang around with… like the President who surrounds himself with “yes” men… People who just agree and don’t challenge their thinking and don’t push them to do more, do better, achieve at a higher level. Who wants to rise to the height of mediocrity? Isn’t it better to attempt to be the very best that you can be? But if you’re surrounded by people who are willing to settle… then you end up settling. Good enough becomes the status quo.

If you strive to be the best you can be at what you do, then you need to take the time to notice who it is you are hanging around with and see if they’re driven the same way you are: to do more, to be better, to be the best that you can be.

As you consider those who hang around you, notice if they’re challenging you and helping you to grow. If the answer is a “HELL YES!” then great! Keep on doing what you are doing. But if you realize that you’re surrounded by “yes men” or that you spend your time with people who bring you down, then it’s time to take your life into your own hand and seek out new friends who are uplifting…people who aspire to be what you aspire to be as well… not settlers…. But doers and shakers.

You might notice that you hang out with people who make snide little remarks that are “funny”, “just joking”, “playing with you”. But really, the remarks hurt. Usually you play the part of the duck and let everything roll off your back. After a while, the Teflon wears off… and the remarks feel sharper. Pay attention to the signs! Let go of these so called “friends”. Real friends build you up and push you to be the very best you can be. They don’t try to keep you small to make themselves feel better.

Now is a good time to take inventory of how you are spending your time and with whom and make sure all your friends are on the plus side. If not, time for some early spring cleaning. This is not to say dump the downer right away, but be aware, and find friends who build you up instead of tear you down. Spend less time with those that bring your down, and more time with those that add joy to your life.

And feel the power of a positive force of friendship! When your friends are really on your side, great things can happen!