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Tune in to Your Intuition and What Happened When I Ignored Mine

Tune in to Your Intuition and What Happened When I Ignored Mine

I stood about 3 feet from the curb under the awning to keep dry at Newark Airport, waiting for my Uber car with throngs of other new arrivals. A little voice in my head said, “Step over there.” I could see where I was guided to move to. But I had my luggage (never a...

Self-Care and The Challenge of Receiving

Self-Care and The Challenge of Receiving

April is all about self-care. I'm not just talking about collagen face masks and pedicures. I'm talking about manifesting what you desire.  And I've discovered there is something BIG that is holding many people back from manifesting what they truly desire. ...

The SYSTEM of Manifesting

The SYSTEM of Manifesting

I was reading the Harvard Business Review On Point magazine called, “How Successful People Reach Their Goals” and was a bit surprised. One article talked about the technique of creating a mind movie with great details of what you want to accomplish. It said that it...

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