Resolutions, aspirations, vision-boards and apps. Are you setting goals, too?

Honestly, even the most well-seasoned and well-intentioned goal-setters take time to settle into the new year. Sometimes, you go crazy, shoot for the moon, then get burnt out before the Christmas decorations are even packed away. Sometimes you feel so depleted after the holidays that you aim too low and lose motivation before getting started.

For the last 12 years, I’ve been working with women to develop their New Year goals and create a path to achieving them. Here’s my best advice.

1. As Clear as Mud! Are your Goals too Vague?

Are you being clear and specific enough?

“I want to get healthier this year.” Fantastic! Well, not quite. Without being precise on what “healthier” means, there’s no way the universe can lend its guiding hand. 

You need to know exactly where you are headed. 

Try this.

Instead of vague aspirations, get granular. Define your goal with precision and own it. See it. Feel it. And be grateful for it.

This is my favorite exercise in goal setting. Write a journal entry as “future you” (even if you don’t usually journal). Write from the point of view of the version of you who has already achieved your desired goal. Describe precisely what you have achieved. Describe how it feels. Describe how you got there. Describe how proud you are of yourself.

“I’m so happy about how I look in my size 6 dress.”

“I’m so excited that I can now swim 10 laps of the pool without stopping.”

“I’m elated that my favorite jeans fit me again.”

See what I mean? Because that moment of success is now something you will recognize when it happens. It’s something to aim for, and you’ve aligned your energy with your desire.

RELATED: 7 Steps To Align Your Energy With What You Desire

2. Entertaining Saboteurs. Are you holding on to that negative voice?

Ah, the saboteurs are here again—the green, wart-covered trolls that whisper doubt and discouragement in your ear. If there’s one thing that’ll dash any hope of achieving your goals, it’s those guys!

We all have them, those nagging voices that say, “You can’t do it,” or “It’s too hard.” Ignoring these saboteurs is asking for trouble. Letting them linger will cast doubt and shadow on your aspirations.

Try this.

Confront those saboteurs head-on. Reframe their negativity into a positive affirmation. When they say, “Ucch, you have to do this,” defy them by declaring, “You get to do this, and “This is one step closer to your goal.” 

It’s a powerful way to break free from their influence and pave the way for success.

RELATED: Your Attitude, Your Energy, and Manifesting Your DESTINY

3. Action, or Lack Thereof.

A common misconception about manifesting is that it requires no action on your part. Sorry, but that’s a big, hairy NOPE!

Any goal, big or small, will all crumble by the wayside without action. 

It’s easy to get lost in the excitement of setting goals but neglect to define actionable tasks. A fancy schmancy dream board might look good in your office, but it needs backup! You need to spend time planning action steps.

Try this.

Break your goal down into actionable steps, and try to take at least 3 action steps per day. Yes. PER DAY. Your daily steps can be huge, teeny-tiny, or anything in between. The secret is to keep going. Keep taking steps every day.

RELATED: The Power of Inspired Action In Your Manifestation Practice

If you set goals each year, then kick yourself the following January because the SAME goals get added to the new year’s board. If you’re ready to claim what’s yours and step into Your True Potential, If you’re prepared to embark on a journey of self-recovery, unlocking the incredible potential that lies within you, then you’re ready for your first action step. Tap the button to book your free DESTINY Unveiled call with me. 

I can’t wait to speak with you.