April is all about self-care.

I’m not just talking about collagen face masks and pedicures.

I’m talking about manifesting what you desire. 

And I’ve discovered there is something BIG that is holding many people back from manifesting what they truly desire. 

–>You’re writing your gratitude statements. 

–>You’re taking inspired actions. 

–>You have a clear vision in your mind… 

AND STILL, you have been unsuccessful in manifesting your desire in more than 3 months of working on it.

What is going on?

This is actually a big thing. It suddenly became clear to me. I saw it in my mother, and I’ve seen it in myself OVER AND OVER again. (something about the apple doesn’t fall far…)

I can give and give and give, but can I receive? 

The Challenge of Receiving

The truth is, I have a challenging time receiving. Someone pays me a compliment, and I brush it off.

“You look so nice today. I love your shirt.” 

“This old thing? I got it from Target when the girls were in Kindergarten.”

“That was a great presentation!” 

“Oh, I messed up the conclusion.”

“You’ve been working so hard.” 

“Yeah, if only I could learn to work smart…”

Once, I told my mom she looked great in her yellow blouse, and she said, “This old thing? I got it in high school.” I had to laugh since she was 82 at the time. (And remember, she has Alzheimer’s so she made that up!)

It becomes a habit to downplay compliments. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. BUT THE IMPACT IS GREAT!

The Universe knows you don’t like RECEIVING things, so it doesn’t GIVE you things.

For example, if you want to lose weight and someone compliments you, “You look great! You’ve lost weight,” And you reply, “I still have so much to go.” The Universe sees that you’re not ready to receive what you want.

If, instead, you reply, “Thank you for noticing! I am working on losing weight.” Then, the universe knows how to support you.

Your words and thoughts matter to the universe, others, and yourself. If you keep telling yourself you’re not good at math, guess what?  Whenever you start to do math, your brain will shut down. 

If you look in the mirror and say, “I’m so fat,” guess what? Losing weight is going to be very challenging.

Focus on what you want to achieve. This is why I work with my clients to get them to focus on their Future Self—the self that has already achieved their desires. When you are making decisions, ask your Future Self what she would do—she knows since she’s already been down the road you are traveling on!

You have so many positive tools to help you achieve your desires. Use your tools and see what great dreams come true this month!

Remember, if you want things to be different, do them differently! 

Start now!

Resource Note

If you want to read more about receiving, check out the book, The Power of Receiving by Amanda Owens

So how are you going to do your self-care this month? Make a plan. For me, my self-care involves re-organizing my days to better accomplish what I want to accomplish. Here’s what I have to do:

1. Clear out old files that no longer serve me. (Both paper and computer–still working on this from February.)

2. Plan what my Perfect Day looks like so I can manifest those regularly.

3. Develop systems that support my goals in working with my clients and increasing my client base.

4. Dedicate time for studying the Tarot cards to further delve into them.

5. Plan Q2 goals.

6. Continue preparing for May/June Launch.

Those might not seem like self-care to YOU (!) but those are the things that increase my comfort level and make me feel better. 

What about you? What does self-care look like?

Of course I continue with sleeping well, eating well (intermittent fasting), and exercising often. 

Funny but I dream of having fancy fingernails like so many women have (NOT THE EYELASHES!!!). I love the fingernails. Those just don’t work with spending so much time in the water! That’s a nice expense saved!!!

If you go to all the trouble to set your goals, don’t let them escape you. Stay focused. Be the kind of person who does hard things and stick to your plan.

If you continue to find this challenging, schedule a call with me so we can make a personalized plan for you. Or if you have a question, reply to this email and ask.

Time passes anyway, you might as well achieve it is that you truly desire.