Setting goals is such an important part of achieving things that truly matter to you. But let’s be real, life has a knack for throwing unexpected obstacles in your path. 

So how can you stay on track with your goal-focussed actions when life gives you lemons, throws you curve-balls or drops the dreaded spanner in the works? Here are some tried and true strategies to keep the momentum.

Which one will you try?

Planning Theme Days

  • Have you ever tried dedicating certain days to specific tasks related to your goal? For example, if you’re learning a new skill that takes months or even years to master you could pick a day of the week to dive deep into it. This way, you create a routine that you can structure your week around – rather than squeezing in your action tasks into whatever time is left over after work, chores and all the rest!
  • In the case of someone learning French (cest moi by the way!). They’ve chosen Sundays as their big French day. They tackle verbs, learn new words, and then let their brain soak it all in during the week. Having a set day for intense focus makes the learning journey smoother and more consistent.

Using Tech to Keep You in the Game

  • Our phones are like personal assistants these days. Use them to your advantage! Set reminders for your goals and let your phone nudge you in the right direction. It might feel a bit noisy, but these little reminders can help turn your goals into habits. 
  • My husband does this. While it is a little bit annoying to hear a phone buzzing several times a day, it really keeps him on track with things like taking pills and staying hydrated. A little tech help can go a long way in staying organized and making sure you’re getting stuff done.

The Power of Paper Planning

There’s something satisfying about jotting things down on paper. Use a paper planner to map out your week. Whether it’s on a Sunday night or any other night that suits you, jot down your plans for the coming week. Having everything on paper makes it tangible and gives you a daily reference point.

Create Action Checklists for Daily Tasks

  • Make your life easier with daily checklists. If you have routine tasks, like for me, teaching water aerobics, create a checklist. This way, you’ll never forget essential materials. It’s a simple but effective way to ensure you’re always on top of the things you need to do.

Do things differently!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

If you want things to be different, do things differently. 

If you’ve tried some or even a combination of these tips before and you’re still falling short of achieving the goals you set for yourself, it’s time to shake things up a little. Have you ever worked with a coach?

Sticking with It Through the Ups and Downs:

Achieving your goals is all about hanging in there, even when life gets in the way. If things don’t go as planned, it’s not a big deal. Look at it as a chance to rethink and adjust your approach. The important thing is to stay committed to what you want.

Setbacks are just pit stops on your way to smashing those goals. Keep going, and you’ll get there!

Need some support on your journey? Let’s talk!