Put your life into overdrive!!

There is an old story about the guy who dies and goes to heaven where he encounters God. God said, “There is someone I want you to meet.” And in walks another guy who looks vaguely familiar to the first guy. The difference is that he is fit, grounded, smiling… “Do you I know you?” asked the first guy. “Yes, I am the YOU you were meant to be…”

You have great potential. You are put here for a purpose. You can spend your life puttering around with small things and miss your whole purpose, or you can choose to step up and be who you are meant to be.

You may wonder, who am I meant to be? There are messages along the way… signposts meant to point you in the right direction. The problem is, people get stuck in their ways, or they are so focused on the small things that they miss the big picture.

Which is why I ask you that question: are you missing the big picture of your life? Are you fully living the life you’re meant to be living? Achieving the goals you’re meant to reach?

The problem is, you grow comfortable. Who doesn’t like things to be easy? I like things to be easy. When things get tough, I huff and I puff. I grind my teeth. I eat lots of sweets. Tough is, frankly, HARD.

But HARD is where all the growth comes. Getting out of your comfort zone.

I am sending 2 girls off to college shortly. That’s hard for me, but for them, that is hugely scary. I am staying in my same house, with my same friends, same routines, same car, same dogs, same husband (thank goodness for that!), same laundry room, same most everything. Just two empty rooms that were once filled with their energy.

For them, EVERYTHING will be different. First of all, they will not have each other which is a major shift after 19 solid years together (plus 9 months of womb time kicking each other.) The only thing familiar to them will be their clothes and whatever essentials they bring with them.

They will move from their comfort zone into their fear zone. From fear into their learning zone and learning into their growth zone. Lots of transitions are ahead.

But they are foreseeable and predictable steps.

What about you? What kind of growth is going on for you? You have moved out of the intensive growth years of the 20’s and 30’s and have moved into the more settled years. But are you supposed to stop growing?

Maybe it’s time to shake it up! Maybe it’s time to let go of the status quo and reach beyond what is to what could be. Maybe it’s time to stop settling and start PUSHING FORWARD.

Take as your new motto for the rest of 2019: SHAKE IT UP!! Take an alternate route, try a new laundry detergent, try a new restaurant, go up and introduce yourself to someone new and risk making a new friend. Wear that somewhat risqué outfit to lunch. BREAK THE ROUTINE! Take a walk on the wild side and see how it feels.

Don’t end up with what COULD HAVE BEEN.


And have some fun along the way.

And when all else fails… smile! It’s a change of pace, right?

Utopia is not a land of perfection. It is a land of risked taken and achieved. Where you reach amazing potential. But you can only get there when you TAKE the risks to ACHIEVE the rewards.

This week: take the risks. Move out of your comfort zone a bit. Talk to the person next to you in line, on the bus, at the mall. Small steps lead to bigger steps. Just start. Do it. And smile along the way.

