People tend to be drawn to what they need to work on.

(Did you notice how that was a bit non-committal? I was trying not to piss anyone off…)

What does that mean?

It’s something I discovered in college.

As a psychology major, I noticed that my peers (hence me as well) all had major issues that needed to be “worked” on.

Perhaps they had been abused as a child and wanted to figure that out. (this was not me)

Perhaps they grew up in a disturbed household and wanted some clarity…

…whatever the reason, they were drawn to psychology looking for answers.

No one is drawn to psychology looking for the big payola as are people in the business school.

Or people in the engineering school who want to build things… psychology, people want to work on themselves or possibly project their issues on others.

Hey, I was there too! I had issues! I think we all do!

I wanted to UNDERSTAND what makes people tick.

I found it fascinating.

The implication is that I have/had ISSUES.

I could ignore this, but instead I’m diving in head first.

As a productivity expert, I am drawn to this area because I face the constant challenge to organize my stuff.

(In truth, “stuff” is spelled S-H-*-T)

My desk looks like a cyclone has passed through leaving a state of chaos.

This state has followed me around as long as I can remember.

If I was late for school, it was because I couldn’t find one of my school shoes.

I don’t know how those shoes always got separated, but they did.

I would have to dig WAY under my tiny twin bed to find the (sole)mate.

I could make all sorts of excuses—my room was so small I had no place to put my things, but the truth is, I had separation anxiety.

I hated to throw anything out.


I still have a dress from when I was 3 years old that my grandmother brought me from Germany.

I also have the lederhosen she brought for my brother.

He gave them to me.

I also have boxes of my kids artwork, which I can’t throw out.

(Every time I look at it, it SPARKS JOY.)

The thing is, too many things SPARK JOY.

I try repeatedly to clear off my desk—to no avail.

I don’t know HOW to organize myself to be streamline in my workflow.

My brain doesn’t seem to work that way.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say I am a HOARDER.

But I do have a lot of stuff.

I’m always looking for the miracle notebook where I can put all my notes or the perfect filing system that will solve all of my problems.

Now don’t feel like you have to write to me with the miracle solution.

I help other people with this all the time:

  1. Take a photo of the artwork and keep it with you FOREVER
  2. Don’t buy something new without getting rid of something old (one in one out)
  3. Use Evernote instead of printing paper copies—it’s searchable…

Yeah, yeah, yeah…. I KNOW.

But knowing isn’t DOING.

And the answer comes in the DOING.

To move from KNOWING to DOING, I’ve decided to invite all of you to join me for a CHALLENGE!

It’s a 5-Saturday-Challenge (because change doesn’t happen overnight…).

Here it is:

The 5-Saturdays to create office systems that work to alleviate chaos, clear clutter, and untangle confusion while BOOSTING creativity, productivity, accountability and responsibility. (You know I’ve been working on that!!!)

It’s going to start Saturday, July 11 at 9 am Pacific time. We’re going to connect via a link, and work in our own space to start the process.

During the week, I’ll send you some tidbits of information in preparation.

The question is: ARE YOU IN?

There’s a price.

There’s a price for EVERYTHING.

The price is you have to send a BEFORE picture of the space you want to organize.

You also have to send an after picture.

And you have to COMMIT 100% to getting your project DONE.

NOT 98%, but 100%.

The end result will be to have a system in place to maintain your new area.

A standard operating procedure to follow.

The only way for me to begin is to air my dirty laundry first.

So the photo today is my current workspace.

It’s a lovely space, that is completely cluttered with my stuff.

If you are in, reply to this post with your photo.

I know this is big.

I’m standing here in my underwear.

(They’re cute.)

What do you say?

In or you have other issues, NOT this one!

I love you in either case!


PS: Don’t forget my book! Power-Up Productivity: How to Get More Done in Your Home Office. I was able to write that book amidst the clutter! I am totally productive… focused, driven, get-it-done gal. I just have an issue with space. I like my STUFF. So maybe after this, I’ll start an AA type of group for people recovering from clutter collecting… it’s a thought! If you’ve read my book PLEASE write a review on Amazon! Thanks again to everyone who already has!