I was reading the Harvard Business Review On Point magazine called, “How Successful People Reach Their Goals” and was a bit surprised.

One article talked about the technique of creating a mind movie with great details of what you want to accomplish. It said that it was Mikaela Shiffrin’s visualization that led her to win two Olympic gold medals and many World cup medals. 

The article said that you don’t have to understand the HOW, you just need to focus on the WHAT because your brain will be able to figure out the how just like a GPS figures out how to get you from point A to point B. 

Manifesting works exactly that way!

To consciously manifest your desire create a clear, detailed picture in your mind of what you want to achieve. You should have a sensory image with smells, tastes, and emotions, all tied in to create a strong feeling. 

That is not the whole of manifesting, it is just the basis but that takes manifesting from the woo-woo and thrusts it into the realm of the Harvard Business Review. 

Olympic athletes, business people, housewives, everyday people are harnessing the power of manifesting to keep them on track to achieve their goals. 

When the statistics scream that only 9% of people who set goals achieve them, it’s for a reason. People aren’t setting goals that are IMPOSSIBLE to reach. People don’t have a SYSTEM to keep their goals front and center in their busy lives.

What I have seen with my clients is that they have every intention to achieve their goals, but somehow life gets in the way and they get distracted and forget their best intentions. 

So the trick to achieving your goals is to establish a daily practice that helps to keep you focused on the outcome you desire. It’s like having one of those page-a-day calendars with a new vocabulary work on it. You can build your vocabulary by using the calendar but only if you remember to look at the calendar daily. 

The steps to manifesting what you desire are:

1. have the crystal clear vision in your mind of your desire;

2. harness the energy of successfully achieving that desire (energy from a past successful experience) and draw it into your body every day;

3. Create your daily 3 gratitude statements;

4. take inspired actions toward your desire;

5. watch for signs and signals along the way; and

6. stay focused on your goal and beware of bright shiny objects that will distract you. 
Here’s a simple way to do that.

How to stay focussed on your goal

1. To anchor your desire, put it on a stickie note where you can see it every day— right by your toothbrush.

2. While brushing your teeth, go over your three gratitude statements in your mind

3.  As you fix your hair, think of what inspired actions you will take today. 

4. As you lay in bed, visualize your goal and draw the energy of success into your body and feel it it every pore. 

5. Stay focused on your destination and avoid detours.

If you go to all the trouble to set your goals, don’t let them escape you. Stay focused. Be the kind of person who does hard things and stick to your plan. 

If you continue to find this challenging, schedule a call with me so we can make a personalized plan for you. Time passes anyway, you might as well achieve it is that you truly desire.