“If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”

Have you ever heard that?

Because busy people aren’t sitting around waiting for the perfect moment to get started. They just start. They take ACTION.

I am a woman with a dream, just like each one of you reading this. A dream that goes beyond wishful thinking—a dream of bringing the goals we set out to achieve to fruition. 

You have the power to make things happen, to turn dreams into reality, and to shape your destiny. You can do hard things. You can achieve so much.

Think about that for a moment—what is your Definite Chief Aim, your DESIRE, your goal for the year? 

If you don’t have a clear vision yet, that’s also OK. Choosing your big, hairy, audacious goal is a challenge in itself. Today is as good a day as any do a spot of goal setting. 

Take a few minutes to bring yourself into the present moment. Meditate. Make tea.  Take a walk. Whatever it is that helps you ease into this very moment – do that!

When you feel that you are in a relaxed state, begin to reflect on what you are committed to achieving this year. Where would you love to be in 12 months time? What is different? What have you achieved?

Your goals are not mere destinations; they are like your North Star. When it is clear to you, your goal will illuminate your path, giving you purpose and direction.

I witnessed the transformative power of setting a Definite Chief Aim for 2024 in a recent goals workshop. Each person uncovered their deep-seated desires and committed to achieving them. It was a celebration of dreams, a testament to the belief that you gain the motivation to overcome challenges with a goal. 

Viktor Frankl, in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” revealed that a life without purpose, without a goal, diminishes the will to live. Thriving and surviving happen when you have something to look forward to.

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of a year-long goal? 

Let me share a little secret that has worked wonders for me—break it down into manageable chunks. Plan for the next 90 days, one quarter of the year. Then, break that plan down into 3 parts. Your 30-day goal becomes the stepping stone to the bigger destination.

Time is a constant companion. It’s marching forward, and the days will unfold whether you are ready or not.

Time is passing anyway, and you might as well make it count. Take action towards your goals, no matter how small the steps may seem. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Don’t let your dreams remain dormant. Seize the day, seize the moment. Start that project, take that course, make that phone call, write that email, write that book! —whatever it is. 

Each new day invites you to step into your power and create the life you envision.

Do you LOVE the idea of achieving your goals? Do you LOVE the person you are becoming on this journey? Do you wish you had a guide to keep you motivated?

If you are missing the clarity you need to move forward or aren’t sure about the steps you want to take, we can talk about your path forward. Don’t wait until you’re completely frustrated and feel overwhelmed to get help. 

When you’re on the rollercoaster, the twists and turns distract you from the view of the entire theme park. You’re caught up in the ups and downs of a situation (like being on a rollercoaster), and it’s easy to lose sight of the broader perspective or the full landscape of opportunities around you.

Someone on the outside has a better overview and can see what’s coming and prepare you. 

That is what it’s like to work with a coach. The coach provides an outside perspective that you can’t see from where you’re sitting. 

If you are ready to get the help you need to gain perspective on your situation and guidance moving forward, schedule a DESTINY UNVEILED call, and we can connect. The possibilities are endless in what your next move could be. Call today.