What are you doing with your gift of time?

This year, you may have found yourself FINALLY with more time for the things you’ve been putting off for years. If you’re bound to your home, is now the time to tackle those cleaning projects you’ve been meaning to get to? Or to learn to play guitar as you’ve always wanted? To master the perfect banana bread recipe?

It’s best to have a plan otherwise this time will slip through your fingers unnoticed.
You might not feel like much good has come from this year at all. But if there’s anything to be grateful for, it’s more time at home. For many of us, this is the downtime we have been begging for.

But now that it’s here, are you going to make the most of it?

You have the possibility to accomplish something great. Something you’ve always wanted to do. Something you’ll be proud of.

Will you?

Or will you let this opportunity slip away? Like all the other opportunities you had that went unaccounted for? Will you mourn the loss of what you thought this year looked like or celebrate the new opportunities that have come with it?

How can you make the most of the gift of time?

Using the gift of time

What shall you do?

Pick something worthwhile. This is different for everyone. What constitutes a great use of time for one might be the polar opposite of what it means for someone else.

Here are some examples.

  • A friend of mine is teaching a course on how to build a website in five days. She took it on as a challenge. Over 200 people signed up for her class, which she is offering for free.
  • Another friend of mine is developing a course to teach online as well. She is teaching blended families how to come together in a way that serves everyone.
  • A third friend has hunkered down to write the book she has been talking about for AGES. She started by writing the outline so she would get the story flow in her mind. Then she is going to develop her characters. She is so excited. I can hear it in her voice.

This is a special time. How often do you have this kind of a gift? You can’t go outside and socialize, so how can you see this as a gift rather than a curse?

A gift of time rather than a curse

You don’t have to go to school, just take classes online.

People are saving all kinds of time that they used to spend commuting and now they’re working from home.

Don’t fall into the grunge mode. Get dressed. Be your best self so you feel like your best self so you can do your best work.

When you slouch, you produce slouchy work.

Hold yourself up.

Be the best that you can be.

Capture the possibility of the moment.

Fly the plane before it’s ready.

What is it that you’ve been yearning to do but didn’t have the time?

Now is your time.

Now is your opportunity.

Take the initiative and go for it!

How will you look back on this year?

In the future, when you look back on this time, you will reminiscence about the opportunity.

Be productive. Make it worthwhile.

If you’re working from home for the first time ever, productivity might have a whole new meaning for you. One interruption after another. Bright, shiny objects calling your name. How can you set-up your environment so you can get your work done and reach your dreams? Find the answers in my eBook, Power-Up Your Productivity: How to Be More Productive from Your Home Office.

Step into your best self and accomplish great things.

You are worth it.

Much love in the time of a pandemic,


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